The Blessing of Gratitude

When God lavishes blessing on you, the only appropriate response is to receive His blessing gratefully and say back to Him often and with passion, "Thank You."

It is important to practice gratitude for what you have. God desires to bless us, but if we have a constant focus on future blessings, even promised blessings, we can miss the beauty of the already and the present. God wants us to be thankful for what He has already done. 

Because of what I understand of God's nature and His promises, I live with a high level of faith and expectancy for more good to be experienced in and through my life. I think this is mostly positive, but there is a fine line. Several years ago, I suffered through seasons of discouragement, it was rooted in unmet expectations. Some things I had hoped for were not happening, at least not in the way I wanted, as fast as I wanted. Then, one morning, I came up against this psalm:

"Lord, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessings. You guard all that is mine. The land you have given me is a pleasant land. What a wonderful inheritance!"

I sensed God speaking to me. "Terry, am I not enough for you? I am your cup of blessing. I want you to be happy just with me. Yet I still blessed you with many other pleasant things. Before you ask for more, I want you to be able to say that I am enough and that what I have already given you is enough."

I began meditating on this, praying the words of this psalm and intentionally practicing gratitude each morning. I was focused on who He is, on the blessing He is to me, on what He has already done and on what I already have. I decided to quit moving so quickly toward more, and that I intended to come back and repeatedly and passionately say, "Thank You, thank you, thank you."

It occurs to me that God must really enjoy someone who knows how to receive Him and His blessings. Part of the deal with God is that we must get good at receiving, because He has given so much and has so much more. God loves a cheerful giver, but He also loves a cheerful receiver. He wants you to happily give, and He also wants you to happily receive. Why? Because He wants to bless you abundantly. 

Adapted fromThe Lord Bless You (Chosen) by Terry A. Smith. All rights reserved.

Andrea Calles